$Book$ Fire Study (Poison Study #3) *PDF*

Fire Study (Poison Study #3)
By : by Maria V. Snyder (Goodreads Author)
ratings : 51,937
ratings reviews : 3,722
Original Title : Fire Study
ISBN : 0778325342 (ISBN13: 9780778325345)
Edition Language : English
Series : Poison Study #3, The Chronicles of Ixia #3
Paperback, 441 pages
Published February 26th 2008 by Mira Books
Characters : Valek, Commander Ambrose, Irys Jewelrose, Cahill Ixia, Moon Man...more, Leif Zaltana, Janco, Opal Cowan, Yelena Zaltana, Ari, Roze Featherstone, Tauno, Captain Marrok...less
Setting : Sitia
Description : The apprenticeship is over—now the real test has begun.When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder—able to capture and release souls—spreads like wildfire, people grow uneasy. Already Yelena's unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the Council debates Yelena's fate, she receives a disturbing message: a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer The apprenticeship is over—now the real test has begun.When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder—able to capture and release souls—spreads like wildfire, people grow uneasy. Already Yelena's unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the Council debates Yelena's fate, she receives a disturbing message: a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer she has defeated before...Honor sets Yelena on a path that will test the limits of her skills, and the hope of reuniting with her beloved spurs her onward. Her journey is fraught with allies, enemies, lovers and would-be assassins, each of questionable loyalty. Yelena will have but one chance to prove herself—and save the land she holds dear.
Literary Awards :
REVIEWS :For me, the Study series has been on a descending scale of awesomeness. A jaunty, double-spaced, fried zombie? Where?! The first book, Poison Study, was awesome and gave you that happy-go-lucky feeling at the end and you want to yell "weeeeeee". The second book, Magic Study, was "eh". It felt somewhat disconnected from the original but still good. This third one, Fire Study, was just plain worn-out and over done, too much going on without much really happening. It had it's moments but mostly it Do you know how long it took me to finish this? Too long. But I acknowledge that's not saying much when even a few seconds of this masterpiece of boredom would have been too long. After finishing Magic Study, I knew that it would be a mistake to pick up the third book. But I already had it, and I still retained a little hope that it could be better after all, and I wanted to be done with this series, and well, I guess I'm just a finisher by nature. So sue me. (Even though one of all the horrible I felt a bit blue last night as I finished Fire Study, the third and final volume in Maria V. Snyder's Study Trilogy. Though she is currently working on a new series following a side character from the Study books, this is the last one to center on the adventures of Yelena, the convicted murderer, turned poison taster, turned diplomatic liaison. I felt blue because I'd been expecting more and I ended up finishing it more out of a feeling of obligation than because I was truly engrossed.The Ugh. Well, I was obsessed with Poison Study, and Magic Study was pretty good, but this book really didn't satisfy. I found myself skimming it a lot, and I felt bad doing it. For some reason the whole reason I liked the series in the first place dwindled throughout this concluding novel to where I forgot what charmed me in the first place. It wasn't horrible, just not the direction I wanted or expected it to go. I guess an author has to do what he/she thinks the series should do, but it went so What a pity. This is the only coherent thought in my mind after finishing the Study series. After an oustanding debut followed by a mediocre sequel, the final installment was NOT the proper ending to something that could have been memorable. Not because of the way it ended, because that was pretty satisfying. In fact, it got 2 stars from me instead of one just because Snyder eventually delivered what is so painfully expected throughout the whole - excessively long - book. If I had to describe in *4.25 SOULFINDING STARS* “There's always another storm. It's the way the world works. Snowstorms, rainstorms, windstorms, sandstorms, and firestorms. Some are fierce and others are small. You have to deal with each one separately, but you need to keep an eye on whats brewing for tomorrow.” Ahh, be still my beating heart! So sad to see this series end... but thank god for the sequel trilogy that I'm definitely going to read asap! I need more Yelena (and Valek, duh) in my life!This book didn't Life is to short to force yourself to finish a book.Liked the beginning, that was about it. Finally giving up after a week or two! “There's always another storm. It's the way the world works. Snowstorms, rainstorms, windstorms, sandstorms, and firestorms. Some are fierce and others are small. You have to deal with each one separately, but you need to keep an eye on what’s brewing for tomorrow.”This is actually more of a 4.5 star rating. Yelena is so determined, clever, strong, and stubborn, which makes for a very enjoyable protagonist, but for some reason, it took me about 100 pages before I actually got into the storyline. 3 stars for a book in which, once again, Snyder butchers her great characters to keep the story running. Wow, I can hardly believe the series ends like this. Poison Study was amazing, Magic Study was awful, and although Fire Study is slightly better than the second book, it's still not as good as the first one. “It's the problem with mistakes, they tend to linger.” (Yelena should tell this to Snyder, not to Cahill) First important thing to know: the plot is almost similar to that of Magic “Nothing like having a warrant for your execution to get a girl motivated.” I admired Yelena for her strength, clever mind (Which is, of course, a strength on its own) and her Soulfinder abilities. I loved Valek, his loyalty and respect for her. And I loved their independent relationship so freaking much! Valek and Yelena love each other, but they don't spend every minute of every day together. Or constantly whining and thinking about each other and nothing else. They do other important things I ended up finishing this because my curiosity has been restored. Seriously, I couldn't even with this anymore. I lost faith in it BUT I'm just happy I don't have this book chilling on my "Currently-Reading" shelf. It was lowkey bothering me >.
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