^^Book^^ The Civil War: A Narrative (The Civil War #1-3) $PDF$

The Civil War: A Narrative (The Civil War #1-3)
By : by Shelby Foote
ratings : 6,805
ratings reviews : 332
Original Title : The Civil War: A Narrative
ISBN : 0307290468 (ISBN13: 9780307290465)
Edition Language : English
Series : The Civil War #1-3
Hardcover, 2934 pages
Published May 2006 by Random House (first published October 12th 1963)
Characters : National Book Award Finalist for History (1975)
Setting :
Description : Foote's comprehensive history of the Civil War includes three compelling volumes: Fort Sumter to Perryville, Fredericksburg to Meridian, and Red River to Appomattox. Collected together in a handsome boxed set, this is the perfect gift for any Civil War buff.Fort Sumter to Perryville"Here, for a certainty, is one of the great historical narratives of our century, a unique Foote's comprehensive history of the Civil War includes three compelling volumes: Fort Sumter to Perryville, Fredericksburg to Meridian, and Red River to Appomattox. Collected together in a handsome boxed set, this is the perfect gift for any Civil War buff.Fort Sumter to Perryville"Here, for a certainty, is one of the great historical narratives of our century, a unique and brilliant achievement, one that must be firmly placed in the ranks of the masters." -Van Allen Bradley, Chicago Daily News"Anyone who wants to relive the Civil War, as thousands of Americans apparently do, will go through this volume with pleasure.... Years from now, Foote's monumental narrative most likely will continue to be read and remembered as a classic of its kind." -New York Herald Tribune Book ReviewFredericksburg to Meridian"This, then, is narrative history-a kind of history that goes back to an older literary tradition.... The writing is superb...one of the historical and literary achievements of our time." -The Washington Post Book World"Gettysburg...is described with such meticulous attention to action, terrain, time, and the characters of the various commanders that I understand, at last, what happened in that battle.... Mr. Foote has an acute sense of the relative importance of events and a novelist's skill in directing the reader's attention to the men and the episodes that will influence the course of the whole war, without omitting items which are of momentary interest. His organization of facts could hardly be bettered." -AtlanticRed River to Appomattox"An unparalleled achievement, an American Iliad, a unique work uniting the scholarship of the historian and the high readability of the first-class novelist." -Walker Percy"I have never read a better, more vivid, more understandable account of the savage battling between Grant's and Lee's armies
Literary Awards : National Book Award Finalist for History (1975)
REVIEWS :“In time, even death itself might be abolished; who knows but it may be given to us after this life to meet again in the old quarters, to play chess and draughts, to get up soon to answer the morning roll call, to fall in at the tap of the drum for drill and dress parade, and again to hastily don our war gear while the monotonous patter of the long roll summons to battle. Who knows but again the old flags, ragged and torn, snapping in the wind, may face each other and flutter, pursuing and May 3, 20113 volumes, 1000 pages each; this is going to take a while. But I've just finished Volume 1 - Fort Sumpter to Perryville and -- since at this rate I won't finish the whole thing for another year -- I thought I'd make some initial notes. Basically -- this is glorious. I'm not a Civil War buff, and I'm certainly not interested in getting down into the weeds of whether Foote gets this or that detail exactly right, or is fair or unfair to this or that general. The things that impress here I purchased Foote's trilogy because it was a well-known trilogy about the American Civil War. All told, it was a waste of time and money.I had read Battle Cry of Freedom, and become much more interested in this field than when I began teaching it to 8th graders. I read one of Sears' books, a couple more by McPherson, and some that dealt with African-Americans, both in slavery, in the resistance to slavery, and their participation, which is considered pivotal, in the Civil War.Here are some of Shelby Foote was commissioned to write a concise narrative of the American Civil War in 1958, following his great success with the book, Shiloh. The project grew beyond the bounds of the original plan from Random House, and blossomed into one of the greatest works ever written about the war. Foote was born in Mississippi, but was later transplanted to Memphis. His was the first Southern voice to describe the Civil War in more than a generation. In spite of his background, he is no disciple of Having read and enjoyed Shelby Foote's novel Shiloh (which I highly recommend), I was motivated to attempt his magnum opus, the one million-plus word trilogy The Civil War. The books are surprisingly readable, come in a bright box set and are great for flipping through. if you have any background with the Civil War, I suggest reading the introduction and then skipping around and reading about the battles or figures you're interested in. For me, that included William T. Sherman, Nathan Bedford OMG. It took me like 4 fuckin months to read this colossus, but I finally finished it (all 3, 1000+ page volumes). And yes it totally lives up to the hype. It’s a wonderful, masterful piece of narrative history. A treasure.It’s also the most homoerotic thing I’ve read in a long time. Real talk. Every other sentence was like; ‘Lee penetrated deep into Johnson’s rear and exploded’. Not that there’s anything wrong with that......As a nearly irrelevant aside, the cover lists the Civil War as ‘one of I couldn't find a listing for just Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox which I finished this year. Last year I read the first two volumes. This is the last volume which covered Grant arriving in Washington to take up duties as commander—and looking like a scruffy nonentity who was offered a room in the attic of Willard’s Hotel until the clerk saw his name—to the death of Jefferson Davis (Foote is a southerner after all). Really great work—it’s taken me a couple of years to read it.There I think I have read this set half a dozen times -- for a while there I re-read them every summer. Foote was a novelist before he was a historian, and it shows in his style. The books give a fairly even-handed treatment of the military history of the American civil war, using actual quotes to flesh out the interactions among the characters to a surprising extent. One of the best histories I've ever read. Shelby Foote was the silver-haired gentleman with the Robert E. Lee beard who had such interesting anecdotes to tell during Ken Burns's documentary series The Civil War. How do you think he got that job? By writing this trilogy, that's how. Umpty-ump thousand pages, and he did it on paper. With a dip pen no less. He said, in an interview I saw, that he got a better rhythm that way. I believe it. Often I find myself turning to pen and paper too, although I've never gone so far as dip pens. This is probably the leading complete history of the Civil War, which for me means there is a great opportunity for someone to write something better.Good things:1. Good turn of phrase. 2. Good ability to paint a full personality.Problems:1. Too strong a bias in favor of South.2. Too strong a bias in favor of covering less important western action.3. Too much filler. Could have trimmed 25%-33% of total words.4. For me, needed more and better maps, with dates and times on them.5. Would have You probably cannot legitimately claim knowledge of the Civil War -- at least not out loud -- without having read Shelby Foote's masterpiece which, tragically, probably could not be published today. You see it is by a Southerner, an honest one, who does not simply apologize for and condemn slavery as demanded by today's Red Guards in publishing and the media. Instead, here is an intelligent and original telling of the whole agony and valor.The three volumes, I) Sumter to Perryville, II) Over many years I have read about many Civil War battles, and the problems that Lincoln faced, but this is the first time I have learned in any detail about what the South thought was going on. Without claiming sympathy with the motives of the Lost Cause, Shelby Foote presented a number of speeches and other denunciations of Yankee tyranny, barbarism, cruelty, and alleged racial inferiority from Jefferson Davis and various political and military figures of the Confederacy, and their claim to be Still have a couple hundred pages in the last volume because I got waylaid with other books to review for actual money -- but Foote's Civil War is a true masterpiece. His friend Walker Percy famously called it "an American Iliad," which description I cannot dispute. It’s finally over. I turned the last page of Shelby Foote’s (You may remember Foote as the gentlemanly, professorial presence in Ken Burns PBS series.)monster “narration” of the civil war. Close to 3000 pages detailing every military and political battle in those horrendous four-plus years of slaughter that stand as a monument to human obstinacy and idiocy. Why I needed to do this, when I’ve already read so much about all this over the years, I can’t possibly explain. Probably a 12-step program.
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