^^Book^^ Anathem ^PDF^

By : by Neal Stephenson (Goodreads Author)
ratings : 58,183
ratings reviews : 4,690
Original Title : Anathem
ISBN : 0061474096 (ISBN13: 9780061474095)
Edition Language : English
Series : http://www.nealstephenson.com/anathem/
Hardcover, First Edition, 937 pages
Published September 9th 2008 by William Morrow
Characters : Erasmas, Lio, Arsibalt, Jesry, Orolo...more, Tulia, Cord...less
Setting : Hugo Award Nominee for Best Novel (2009), Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (2009), Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominee (2009), British Science Fiction Association Award Nominee for Best Novel (2008), John W. Campbell Award Nominee for Best Novel (2009) ...more Endeavour Award Nominee (2009) ...less
Description : Fraa Erasmas is a young avout living in the Concent of Saunt Edhar, a sanctuary for mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers, protected from the corrupting influences of the outside "saecular" world by ancient stone, honored traditions, and complex rituals. Over the centuries, cities and governments have risen and fallen beyond the concent's walls. Three times during Fraa Erasmas is a young avout living in the Concent of Saunt Edhar, a sanctuary for mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers, protected from the corrupting influences of the outside "saecular" world by ancient stone, honored traditions, and complex rituals. Over the centuries, cities and governments have risen and fallen beyond the concent's walls. Three times during history's darkest epochs violence born of superstition and ignorance has invaded and devastated the cloistered mathic community. Yet the avout have always managed to adapt in the wake of catastrophe, becoming out of necessity even more austere and less dependent on technology and material things. And Erasmas has no fear of the outside—the Extramuros—for the last of the terrible times was long, long ago.Now, in celebration of the week-long, once-in-a-decade rite of Apert, the fraas and suurs prepare to venture beyond the concent's gates—at the same time opening them wide to welcome the curious "extras" in. During his first Apert as a fraa, Erasmas eagerly anticipates reconnecting with the landmarks and family he hasn't seen since he was "collected." But before the week is out, both the existence he abandoned and the one he embraced will stand poised on the brink of cataclysmic change.Powerful unforeseen forces jeopardize the peaceful stability of mathic life and the established ennui of the Extramuros—a threat that only an unsteady alliance of saecular and avout can oppose—as, one by one, Erasmas and his colleagues, teachers, and friends are summoned forth from the safety of the concent in hopes of warding off global disaster. Suddenly burdened with a staggering responsibility, Erasmas finds himself a major player in a drama that will determine the future of his world—as he sets out on an extraordinary odyssey that will carry him to the most dangerous, inhospitable corners of the planet . . . and beyond.
Literary Awards : Hugo Award Nominee for Best Novel (2009), Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (2009), Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominee (2009), British Science Fiction Association Award Nominee for Best Novel (2008), John W. Campbell Award Nominee for Best Novel (2009) ...more Endeavour Award Nominee (2009) ...less
REVIEWS :I think that Neal Stephenson is very intelligent and a terrific writer. That said, I found all the made-up googlies in this snarfle, really boinged my thnoode. Surely there is a slankier way of telling us that we are reading about another zoof than to make up every other googly. It made it very difficult to forkle the snarfle and I put it down after only 80 ziffies. This will not stop me from attempting the next Neal Stephenson snarfle, however. Funny. After the first few hours of reading (I’m listening to an audible version), it’s clear that while some elements of this world have no Loved the book but gotta say this review was hilarious. I agree that Neal went about a very lazy way of using invented language. One of the most challenging books I've read, and one that I got a lot of satisfaction out finishing. Stephenson's got a wildly inventive mind and reading him is like jumping onto a high speed bullet train at full speed. It took about 70 pages to get used to the new 'language' that he invented for this story, and I had to refer to the glossary repeatedly, but suddenly it just clicked, and I was completly caught up in the world Stephenson created.Not for casual reading, but fans of sci fi, physics After digesting Stephenson's latest 937 page tome, my response basically boils down to "Meh."Ok, maybe not, "Meh." exactly. Maybe more like, "Hmmm." I wish I could say something more elegant about it, but the problem is that there isn't a lot to say about the book as a whole because the book as a whole isn't really that good or that interesting. The book as a whole is difficult to describe, because so much of the book seems like a digression from even itself that instead of a book, it's more Christmas 2010: I realised that I had got stuck in a rut. I was re-reading old favourites again and again, waiting for a few trusted authors to release new works. Something had to be done.On the spur of the moment I set myself a challenge, to read every book to have won the Locus Sci-Fi award. That’s 35 books, 6 of which I’d previously read, leaving 29 titles by 14 authors who were new to me. While working through this reading list I got married, went on my honeymoon, switched career and became There are a number of technical problems to writing sci-fi and fantasy. Chief among them is the tremendous amount of work required to set up a cultural matrix: a language, a history, an iconography, etc. that makes the world fully realized and engaging. In this new 900-page doorstop, Stephenson tries to solve this problem with approximately 200 pages of exposition, setting up the mindset of a post-apocalyptic monastery where you have religious scholarship without the religion (mostly). So you As the most popular review of this book shows clearly: this is not a novel for everyone. You cannot run a marathon if you didn't go through a proper training. Sitting on the couch all year round is not the necessary regimen. This book is very similar: it requires an intellectual gym, so to speak. Knowledge of Latin, history, and philosophy, a wide frame of civilisational reference, linguistic sensitivity, attention to detail, engagement and patience. If you are not equipped with the above, save Oh my lord, this is still one of my top ten favorite works of literature. Like. Ever.Not only has this seminal masterwork of fiction withstood a second read with flying colors, but it continues to define and defy both Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction categories. Heck, I think we can say it belongs on any Philosophy shelf, too, and I defy anyone to not laugh their heads off at the haircuts or Rakes or so many beautiful easter-eggs of ideas studded through the opening couple hundred pages. Reviewing a 1,000-page book that’s part alternate history, part close encounters of the third kind, part futuristic sci-fi utopian fantasy, and part philosophical treatise is like trying to milk a camel while sitting in quicksand. Incidentally, if you’ve never tried that, I don’t recommend it—you end up getting both milk and sand in some pretty weird places. Also, it’s worth noting that, as a general rule, male camels don’t particularly enjoy being milked and have a tendency to make their Anathem is an astonishing, enormous, intimidating, and intensely enjoyable book. However, it is also the most "science fiction-y" of any book he's written so far, and that may turn some people off. Also, I'm given to understand that some people would prefer not to have to think about polar coordinates, geometric proofs, bubble universes, string theory, or relativity in their pleasure reading. That is, of course, their prerogative. Also, it's long. And at times there are scenes that go on for Q:Do your neighbors burn one another alive?” was how Fraa Orolo began his conversation with Artisan Flec ...“Do your shamans walk around on stilts? ...“Do you fancy you will see your dead dogs and cats in some sort of afterlife?” (c)Q: Orolo had asked me along to serve as amanuensis. It was an impressive word, so I’d said yes. (c)Q:My talent for envisioning things, and spinning yarns in my head, failed me that evening, as if it had gone on vacation. I could make no sense of my interview with I have been reading this book for 17 days, when you have lived with a single book this long there is inevitably separation pain, now that I have finished it I feel like I just woke up from a long weird dream. I had a lot of trepidation about reading this book, the reviews and comments from fellow sf readers (hello PrintSF dudes!) are generally positive but I gathered from them that this is a long hard one (ooh-er!) which is bit intimidating given my very average intelligence. Still, I am "You can get a lot done in ten millennia if you put your mind to it..."- Neal Stephenson, Anathem I float now between 4 and 5 stars. Drift. Bounce. Return. I need to sleep, dream, and return to this later. Perhaps, my response will solidify in my sleep. Perhaps, later I'll find words, emotions, and rational responses to this big, ambitious, knot of a novel. Later.**Later**There are two reviews I want to write. The first follows the path which measures this novel by the volume of its output, the.
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